Barrio Boy
Study these words from Barrio Boy and “A Day’s Wait.” Then, complete the activities.
Word List A
condition [kuhn DISH uhn] n. general health or physical fitness
Ryan got himself in good condition for the big race.
foreign [FAWR uhn] adj. having to do with or coming from another place
The travel magazine had pictures of foreign countries.
instructions [in STRUHK shunz] n. directions for how to do something
The instructions explained how to build a birdhouse.
miserable [MIZ er uh buhl] adj. causing great discomfort or unhappiness
The miserable weather spoiled our vacation.
native [NAY tiv] adj. belonging to a person because of the place where he or she was born
Spanish is Pilar’s native language.
progress [PRAH gres] n. an improvement
Katherine’s test scores this quarter are much higher, showing that she has made progress.
secure [si KYOOR] adj. feeling safe and sure
Because their new home is in a safe neighborhood, the family feels secure.
various [VAYR ee uhs] adj. different
We looked at the various desserts and could not decide between apple pie and cheesecake.
Word List B
absolutely [ab suh LOOT lee] adv. completely; totally without limit
Alex has no doubt; he is absolutely certain he aced the test.
frequently [FREE kwuhnt lee] adj. commonly; happening often
Brianna frequently takes the shortest way home, so she knows the route extremely well.
importance [im PAWR tuhns] n. something of high value or interest
We recognize the importance of voting in the election.
influenza [in floo EN zuh] n. an illness with sneezing, coughing, fever, and muscle aches
Danielle thought she had influenza because she was coughing and sneezing and running a fever.
menace [MEN is] n. a threat or danger
Pollution is a menace to our environment because it can do a great deal of damage.
overcome [oh ver KUHM] v. to defeat
The team fought hard to overcome the competition and win the game.
similar [SIM uh luhr] adj. alike or the same type
Anthony and William had similar T-shirts; it was hard to tell them apart.
unnecessary [uhn NES uh ser ee] adj. not needed
An umbrella is unnecessary on a sunny day.
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